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Twin Flames And True Love

Finding true love after divorce, a love that will last, is a very different love journey than the one you walked to be married. To stay married even.

For a love partner to last long-term without the ties of a marriage, children or money an individual has to be stuck on you because they are not stuck with you. It's a completely different love journey than you have walked before.

This Program Is For Men & Women & Is For You If:

You have someone in your life who you believe might be your twin flame.

You have a someone in your life and the connection is triggering you and sending you into overthinking circles.


You would like to prepare yourself to be energetically ready for your true love to come into your life. You no longer want to dance in the superficial, hook up dating world.

You want to be in a harmonious relationship with a person in your life who you feel is your twin flame, a unique love connection in your life.

You want to uncover if someone in your life, who you think is your twin flame/true love, actually is. Or not.




This program was transformative, offering deep insights into love, karmic connections and twin flames.It helped me to see my past relationships as growth lessons and not just a painful end. My journey in divorce alongside Carla's programs are the reason I feel I am content and thriving in my life, which is only beginning.


Grateful for this beautiful work Carla. I have been dating with mixed results since my marriage ended 2 years ago. I've learnt about the karmic cycle I've been stuck in by watching your content and where I'm going 'of path.' Your advice on identifying patterns, higher self was different then I'd heard before and has opened my eyes. Very powerful spiritual advice. Thank you so much for what you do. 53 years old and navigating love.


Carla this is my favourite program of yours yet (note to reader Gab has done all of them). I understand the love journey better than I ever have before. I have someone in my life who I believe might be my twin flame, I understand why we're in separation and the healing I need to do on myself. The feminine inspires the masculine, game changer recording listening to you speak on this.


True love is a journey of self-growth and stepping into your authenticity. It's a moving away from superficial connections and superficial reasons to be in relationships. It's not being in relationships because we fear being alone or need to be saved. It is an awakening journey.

And it's going to bring up every little thing in your soul and psyche that needs to be healed, cleansed and evolved out. What triggers us is what stands in the way of true love coming together with ease.

It's you finding a needle in the haystack that is meaningful. A connection you wouldn't have been ready for if you'd met them earlier in your life. If you hadn't experienced the contrast of what everything true love is not first and learnt from it.

In this program, let Carla guide and support you through the finding love after divorce journey.
- To understand what it really is so we are not blindly moving through it.
- How to fast track your growth and evolution through the love journey.
- How to navigate the twin flame/true love path (whether you have someone in your life or not).
- And how to avoid the missteps that so many adults fall into and experience in the post-divorce dating world. 
- Discover your true self so you can find true love.

Inside Listen To Modules Of Carla Covering The Topics Of:

The feminine and masculines roles and differences in love.

Understanding soul mates/karmics/twin flames and knowing the differences.

Are they your twin flame? And how do I navigate this?

Truly understanding your marriage ending and what you need to learn from it and heal from.

True love and twin flames...fantasy or real?

The gift of what love is mirroring back to us about ourselves and what to do about it.

Navigating affairs and third parties where we feel someone might be our twin flame.

Your spiritual and emotional growth.

How to become your true self and step onto your highest timeline.

3 months access to the program on purchase.

Content held within my private members portal (ie. no one will see you inside my membership viewing the content)

Entry to the private members portal delivered via your chosen email account.

If love and a dream relationship has alluded you.
If dating or love continues to bring you hurt, heartbreak or disappointment on repeat.
If you no longer desire to be in superficial, short-lived relationships and desire something more meaningful or long lasting.
If you want to avoid the car crash that is the modern dating world post divorce.
Then this program is for you.

Please note: This is a spiritual growth journey program suitable for men and women. I do not coach on no contact or similar manipulation tactics. Those methods might win someone back temporarily but we do not attract true love that lasts into our life by playing on someone's abandonment wound.

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