When I wrote and published my second book on the twin flame meaning and the twin flame journey of finding love after divorce in 2022 (you can find this book here), I did so from a place of accidental naivety.
In fact, the topic at the time in 2022 was not widely talked about. Information was sparse. Doing research for the book was a challenge and most of my personal and professional coaching experience and knowledge was centered around the soulmate and karmic journey. At the time, that was the predominant client I was attracting. I was writing it because of my extensive depth and experience with coaching people to leave and heal from karmic relationships.
There is now so much more information about the topic of twin flames to be found like never before.

My clients are a range of unions and experiences now - they're separating from and experiencing soul mate, karmic and potential twin flame unions. So I now understand the energetic imprint of them all more intimately than I've ever done before in the past.
A recent personal discovery of my own was to be told that I am a master twin and activator. I had already been living and expanding my energetic reach through my work, my purpose, my mission since 2022 without awareness of the journey I was really on. But this deeper revelation has ignited in me a deeper spiritual ownership and has since acted as a deeper catalyst to expanding my grids even further. Timely as I step into my new brand and business Divorce Like A Queen in 2025.
But what it has also done is connect me with world leading voices in the world connected with the twin flame topic and expanded my knowledge immeasurably beyond what you will find on a social media reel or YouTube video.
So in a sea of so much information about twin flames, much of it incorrect, I would like to share with you below what world leading voices are saying to me on the topic to help you navigate and hopefully understand your own.
Are you on the twin flame journey or are you not?

Not everyone has a twin flame.
There are only 144,000 twin flames in the world.
If you don't have a twin flame than you have the potential to meet a high level soul mate - someone you can grow and expand alongside. Your growth, your ability to let go of what is not high quality relationship and spiritually heal and grow yourself up to have one in your life is your free will choice to live either an expanded life OR a small, limited one.
Twin flame couples are couples who come together with a spiritual mission or purpose. Their energy individually and then even more so together elevates the consciousness and healing of those around them.
You don't get to choose who your twin flame is.
The twin flame journey is as much about each individual stepping into their path, their best version of self, their growth, their true self as much as it is about coming together as a couple. It is actually about coming into their true self and power first. Not as a couple first.
The feminine's growth and spiritual ascension into the 5D determines the speed of the union coming together. The feminine leads by doing what she is called to naturally do on her own path, literally slaying in her own lane. The masculine without conscious awareness elevates naturally alongside.
You cannot use law of attraction or law of assumption work to manifest a twin flame into your life because it is a spiritual connection not a soul connection. The physical body and the soul exists within the matrix. The physical body in the 3D. The soul in the 4D - what we can feel energetically but cannot see with our eyes. The spiritual world exists outside of the matrix in the 5D realm. You cannot manifest in the 5D. You can only manifest in the 3D & 4D - ie. soul connections and physical, tangible successes and things like cars, jobs, pay rises.
Twin flame connections are sexual, loved based, spiritual connections because of the Kundalini awakening aspect of the connection. Twin flames aren't friend connections.
Twin flame unions can be identified by your astrology and numerology. Both are spiritual imprints of your life purpose and destiny that were stamped on your soul as you entered the 3D and 4D world at birth.

The balance of yin and yang, feminine and masculine, within each individual needs to come into balance for this union to come into balance as a lasting union.
Twin flame unions are not better quality relationships than high level soul mate relationships. The difference is the spiritual purpose and mission behind the individuals and the couple that high level soul mate relationships don't have.
Twin flame's are individuals who are awake. But often in their former lives, whether as adults or teens, they were not. They tend to live the path of first living a life that they came to realise wasn't love, or truth, or really them. This experience led them to wake up to their truth through the experience of pain, loss, disillusionment and ego death. Both twins go through this process individually. The feminine almost always goes through this first, often without any awareness of a twin flame in her life or awareness of the journey she's on.
Your connection with a twin flame will be a catalyst for you to rise into the highest version of yourself. This will just happen almost organically. Karmic and toxic relationships however will drag you down energetically the longer you stay in connection with them. One will lift you up through it's presence in your life, the other will attempt to drag you down or stifle you, that's how you will be able to tell the difference of what you're in - twin flame or not.
The twin flame relationship has a bad rap only because so many people in toxic/karmic entaglements believe they're in a twin flame union when they're not. They continue to stay, placing someone on a podium they don't belong on, when they need to actually emotionally disconnect, walk away and leave.
The growth and journey for the feminine is long and winding. The growth and journey for the masculine is short and sharp.
Your spiritual growth and expansion is everything. Diving timing doesn't bring these unions together. You do by stepping up into your spiritual growth and healing first. It is the way these unions come together.
If you are at the point of needing to focus on your healing, wounds and triggers, to cleanse the past and your ex away from your psyche then please explore this aligned program here.
If you are navigating a potential twin flame/love union and it is leading to your own awakening or internal challenges please find this aligned service here.
If you are stepping into your higher expression as a woman then this program is aligned for your growth, expansion, leadership and to bring out the lighthouse within you for others here.
If I can assist you with answering any questions about these different ways to work with me please email me : hello@carladacosta.com
I double down on my light.
I double down on my power.
I double down on my love.